So you want to submit a kid story or kid art? Great!
Step 1. You must first have an account with us. If you have not yet created an account, please visit our “Become a Member” page. If you are already a member, make sure you are logged in.
Step 2. After you have logged in, click here to add a new story or artwork.
Step 3. Give your story a Title. Enter the title in the box under “Add a New Post” where it says, “enter title here.”
Step 4. Write your story, or copy and paste the text of your story, into the big text box.
Step 5. Feel free to add images your child has drawn by clicking on the “Add Media” icon/box. (If you’re adding art your child drew, be sure to tell us about your child. Favorite games? Favorite Foods? Activities? Subjects in school? Anything fun you can think of. Also feel free to include a picture of your child).
Step 6. Also, feel free to add bold or italics, etc. by using the menu of options at the top of the story.
Step 7. Be sure you do NOT use the full name of your child. You may use their first name or a nickname, however, due to privacy concerns, we will not publish any stories where the child’s full name is used. This is true of artwork, as well.
Step 8. Ignore everything else on the page. Just click “submit for review” and you’re done! We’ll handle the rest of the setup from here.
After your story has been submitted, we will check to make sure it is legible, understandable, and that there are no inappropriate words or themes.
We will notify you as soon as the story has been published.
Congratulations – You’re done!