The School Partnership Program

“This library of stories is the largest library many of these children will ever have inside their own homes.”  – Superintendent Norton

Every day kids across America come home from public school with just one homework assignment in common: to read 20 minutes. Every day.

How is that reading supposed to happen? Mom and Dad have to buy books, research websites, go to libraries… the work never stops because the homework assignment never stops, either.

Because of this need for constant content, and because of our Story-a-Day initiative, we are now partnering with school districts across America (and even schools around the world) to bring teachers, parents and students a new story every day.

Here’s how you benefit:

If your school district is part of the Program, you get an annual membership to the Story-a-Day database for free!

If your school district is not yet part of the School Partnership Program, email us at editor (at) knowonder (dot) com, give us the name and location of your school district, and we will get in touch with them.

In the meantime, sign up for the 30-day free trial and we will make sure your school gets on board ASAP!

How YOU can help:

The subscriptions handed out by the schools go to all sorts of kids – rich, middle class, and below poverty. However, it is really the below poverty level families who need the help the most.

When you purchase a 1 year Membership at full price ($19.95), we will donate a FREE LIFETIME membership to a below-poverty level family. Literacy is the one thing that has been proven by research to break the cycle of poverty. Please help us give that gift to those who need it the most by purchasing or upgrading today.

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