Chelsea Chockford’s Chocolate

Chocolate. Chelsea Chockford liked it. No, wait. She didn’t just like it. She really liked it.

No, wait. That’s not quite right.

She didn’t just really like it. She really, really, really, really liked it. Times ten.

In fact, every day at breakfast, Chelsea ate chocolate puffs. Every day at lunch, she drank chocolate milk. Every night at dinner, Chelsea ate chocolate cake. Once, at the state fair, she even tried a chocolate covered pickle. And liked it.

In short, Chelsea Chockford cherished chocolate. So when the candy shop advertised super-duper-mega-sized chocolate bars, Chelsea saved her money, and she bought one.

As Chelsea walked out of the candy store, she could hardly believe how heavy the bar was. It weighed more than a bowling ball and took two hands just to hold! She grabbed the shiny gold wrapper and made one tiny peel. Then, she took one tiny bite. MMMMMM. Perfect! Chelsea carefully replaced the shiny gold wrapper and began to walk home.

On the way home from the candy store, Chelsea saw her best friend, Milly.

“Wow!” said Milly, “That’s the biggest chocolate bar I’ve ever seen!”

“I know,” beamed Chelsea. “Isn’t it grand? It’s a super-duper-mega-sized chocolate bar.”

Milly asked Chelsea for a bite. Chelsea’s smile fell.

“Well, you see…I haven’t…exactly opened it…all the way…yet. I’m waiting ‘til I get home.  You can have some later after I open it, okay?”

Chelsea gulped as Milly walked away. It wasn’t exactly a lie. After all, she had only opened a very small corner. And by the next time she saw Milly, the bar would probably be all gone.

At home, Chelsea peeled back the wrapper and took one more small bite. MMMMM. Perfect!

At lunch time, she brought her chocolate bar to the table.

“What’s that?” asked her brother, Ike.

“Only a super-duper-mega-sized chocolate bar,” bragged Chelsea.

Ike asked for a bite. “Um, no,” said Chelsea. “I wouldn’t want it to ruin your dinner.”

Ike pointed out that he had already finished his dinner, and he was still feeling just a bit hungry.

Chelsea started at her plate.  “Oh,” she said.  “Of course.  I’ll share my broccoli if you’d like.”

“No thank you,” said Ike.

By bedtime, Chelsea had eaten about a hundred bites of that chocolate bar. And hardly a square was gone. “I think you’ve had enough,” said Dad. “No more tonight, or you might just turn into a chocolate bar yourself.”

Chelsea agreed--no more chocolate. But when Dad left the room, she couldn’t sleep. She reached under her bed and pulled out that chocolate bar. Just one more bite, she thought. To help her sleep, you know.

She peeled back the gold wrapper and took one tiny bite. MMMMM. Perfect!

Suddenly, everything went POOF!

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