Angels in the Snow

By Nancy Julien Kopp -

Mrs. Morgan put her cup down and smiled at her three daughters lined up in front of the kitchen table. “Alright, I give up. You girls can go outside but only if you bundle up and stay in our yard. This storm’s turning into a blizzard.”

Emma and Emily, the ten-year-old twins, were ready long before their younger sister.

“Hurry up, Caitlin,” Emma said. “I’m roasting in all these clothes.

Emily drummed her blue-mittened fingers on the door.

Caitlin frowned at her sisters. “Let me get my hood tied, and don’t tell me what to do.”

Emma said, “Okay squirt, we’ll stop when you move as fast as we do.”

The three girls were laughing as they stepped outside into a world as white as Grandma’s freshly washed sheets. The wind robbed them of their breath before they’d ventured far from their red brick house.

Mr. Burton’s dog, Angel, barked behind the high wooden fence between the yards, and Caitlin heaved a sigh. “I’m glad Angel’s in her own yard today with the gate locked. She’s as big as a bear.”

Emily kicked snow toward Kathie. “You’re a big baby. Afraid of an old dog.”

Caitlin said, “I like her, but I like her best behind that fence.” She ran in circles making footprints in the snow.

The howling wind pushed the girls with its icy fingers. The twins fell down as they trudged through the deep snow. Laughing at each other, they dropped to their knees and lay side by side, waving arms and legs to make snow angels.

Wait for me,” Caitlin said as she plopped down next to Emma. She made a smaller angel while the snowflakes melted on her cheeks.

“Oh, go away and leave us alone. You always have to copy us.” Emma grabbed Emily’s hand. “Come on, let’s go inside. It’s too cold.”

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