Blackbeard the space pirate is the main bad dude in the brand new chapter book from knowonder!
written by Jaye Seymour with illustrations by Alma Borrego Martinez
He smells bad….like awful….as in he stinks….horribly.
He says lots of mean (but pretty silly) things.
He’s captain of a crew of nasty, gnarly space pirates who cause plenty of trouble across the universe.
Most of all, Blackbeard loves his pet bunny – Fluffykins.
Now, you can find out much more by following Blackbeard on Twitter! Read all of his complaints and groans and gripes about the world by clicking right here:
Check out these sample tweets!
Nothing puts the IRATE in PIRATE like a meddling Moon Granny. Her red handbag is lethal! #Jake&MoonGranny #kidlit
FACT: eating Moon cheese late at night gives you nightmares. Dreamt I was being chased by a giant can of deodorant. #horror
Yep, he’s a scurvy dog, that Blackbeard. Yet he’s also quite funny so hold your nose and follow him….if you dare!
Thanks and happy reading from your friends at knowonder!!
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